
Blogging Assignment 6

The most useful approach to use in critically analyzing The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway is " The Fisherman as Artist".
I think fisherman is one of talent. The old man said that he had been born for fishing. Usually, people cannot be artist only by one's own effort.
Furthermore, fishermen are required sense like artist. The skill of great fishermen is like an art in some sense.


Blogging Assignment 5

The main characters in Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin, a boy who helps him.
Three adjectives that describe Santiago are confident, cheerful and undefeated. When the old man was asked by the boy whether he was strong enough for big fish, he said, "I think so." This show confidence. Furthermore, when many fishermen made fun of the old man , he do not angry. This show his strength.
Two adjectives that describe Manolin are gentle and curious. When the old man fell asleep, he spread blanket over his shoulders. Strange as it may sound, he behaved as if he had been a mother. He often ask the old man, about baseball or to take him fishing together, I think the boy is curious.


Blog Assignment 3

The pieces of information I found in sources to use to support my thesis and topic sentence ideas for Essay 2 are as follows. The supporting piece of evidence that I found for body paragraph 2 is a paraphrase/quote from "nihonnkaibou 1 : The president : Lifetime employment" by the group of NHK reporters, George Field et al . This shows how lifetime employment has influenced on Japan economy.
In body paragraph 3, "The Powerful Placebo from Ancient Priest to Modern Physician" by Arthur K. Shapiro, M.D. and Elaine Shapiro, Ph.D. Trans. Akai Masami et al. This show influense on human of placebo.


Blog assignment 2

The Japanese English education system should be reconsidered. This is because of following three reasons. Firstly, it is not natural way to learn English in Japanese junior high school or high school. In Japan, there is often questions like filling up blanks of a sentense or like use English actally. Secondly, there is problem that Japanese students learn English only for exam. Therefore, they spend much time answering started above questions. Thirdly, many students, especially junior high school students, do not know why they have to learn English, so they are unwilling to learn English. Because of these reasons, we shold change the exam and teach students why they learn English.


Blog Assignment 1

Acording to Meiland, a"good" college teacher presents information in following way. Actually, good college teacher impart materials to the students and the students need to understand them. They,however, do not think of the materials as absolute truth, so they require us to examinate and to evaluate the materials.

I agree with Meiland's opinion. University students are scholar at the same time, so we should not only be passive. We should ask questions anytime. Teachers tell us current belief, it means there are some rooms to examinate. And we should try to find truth that is supported by better reasons.